Marcato Guidelines

Marcato offers web-based management solutions to the live event industry. They offers tools to help with project management, artist scheduling, online submission forms, and more. Greencopper has had a historic partnership with Marcato and has developed a wrapper to fit the requirements of a basic Marcato project.

However, a Marcato project needs tweaking in order to fit seamlessly with our app solution. Below are instructions for you, the event organizer, on how to create custom fields, be compatible with our wrapper, and import your content into Gomanager. 

Important: Make sure the labels are properly written as seen on the wrapper. Example: the wrapper retrieves the data for Discoverable and not for Discover.

FIRST STEP : Login to Marcato & access the menu


ARTISTS : How Gomanager is linked to Marcato

Artist NameName
Artist PhotoPress Photo
Artist LinksContact Information - Add Website
Tags*See custom field below
Discover*See custom field below
Sort Order*See custom field below
2nd Language*See custom field below



First, make sure to create the types for the Artists section.

  1. Under the Artists section, go in the “Artist Types”.
  2. Create/edit the Types. The Types will be used as “tags” in Gomanager to filter the artists in the views.

Second, Under the Artists section, go in the “Artist Custom Fields”.
“Add a new form section”. Name this form Greencopper.


Add a checkbox to have the item visible or not on the discover screen in the mobile app. Name the label Discoverable.


Add a number. Use this option only if you want to have a sort order on your artists (optional). Name the label Sort Order.


Important: Events can serve two separate purposes in Gomanager and your app:

  1. If your app has an independent Event list, then this is where you would create those Events in Marcato.
  2. If you want to have a distinct Show in your app schedule with multiple Artists attached to it, creating an Event with the desired Show name is the first step. Step 2 is noted below in section 1.3.

EVENTS (WORKSHOPS) : How Gomanager is linked to Marcato

Event NameName
Event PhotoPoster
Price (for an event show)Price
Ticketing Link (for an event show)Ticket Link
Tags*See custom field below
Discover*See custom field below
Sort Order*See custom field below
2nd Language*Refer to section 1.4


First, make sure to create the types for the workshops section.

  1. Under the workshops section, go in the “Workshop Types”.
  2. Create/edit the Types. The Types will be used as “tags” in Gomanager to filter the events in the views.

A few customs fields need to be created.

  1. Under the Workshop section, go in the “Workshop Custom Fields”.
  2. “Add a new form section”. Name this form Greencopper.

DISCOVERAdd a checkbox to have the item visible or not on the discover screen in the mobile app. Name the label Discoverable.

SORT ORDERAdd a number. Use this option only if you want to have a sort order on your events/workshops (optional). Name the label Sort Order.


For the workshop to be visible, make sure the workshop page is included in the website feed and NOT private!


VENUES : How Gomanager is linked to Marcato

Place NameName
LinksContact Information - Add Website
GPS CoordinatesAddresses
Sort Order

*See custom field below



First, create the custom field “sort order” as previously explained. Other custom fields can be added for second language needs. Name the label Sort Order.


For the venue to be visible, make sure the venue page is included in the website feed and NOT private!

1.3 /// CREATING SHOWS ///

Important: In the Gomanager CMS, there are 2 types of shows you can create. A show created with a single Artist (or band) and a show created with an Event. When a show is created with an event, it enables a functionality in Gomanager whereby you can attach multiple Artists (in this use case, we refer to them as performers) to a show. This means you have the following two options to consider when creating your Shows in Marcato:

  1. If you want to have a distinct Show in your app schedule for a single Artist (or multiple distinct Shows for the same Artist), you need to follow the instructions below for SHOW - ARTIST. 
  2. If you want to have a distinct Show in your app schedule with multiple Artists attached to it, you should follow the instructions below for SHOW - EVENT WITH PERFORMANCES.

SHOWS - ARTIST : How Gomanager is linked to Marcato

VenueSelect a venue from the dropdown options
Time*Leave blank
TagsShow Types

This is for a show with the formula: Artist * Venue * Date * Time

1. Go to the SHOWS section and click on ADD SHOW

Enter the content in Name, Date, Venue and Show Types (if needed)

2. Add a SCHEDULE and a TIMESLOT to the show

  • Timeslot type = Select PERFORMANCE*
  • Attach Artist = Select from the list
  • Start time = Start time
  • Duration = End time

    If you add more than one timeslot to a Show's schedule, then each of those timeslots are imported as a unique Show in Gomanager. This is useful for Artist's with multiple performances throughout an event.

3. Make sure you checked the box "Include set times in website feed?" in the Main Show "tickets & promotion" section.

SHOWS - EVENT WITH PERFORMANCES : How Gomanager is linked to Marcato

VenueSelect a venue from the drop down options
TimeStart + End time of the show
Tags Show Types


Show formula = Event * Venue * Date * Time

  1. To create a show out of a Workshop select the workshop you had already created and click EDIT.
  • Date = Date
  • Venue = Select from the list
  • Start + End time = Start + End time of the show.

2. To add PERFORMER(S) to the show

  • Do step 1 and then click on SCHEDULE within that Workshop where you can add performers/speakers and timeslots.
  • Choose Timeslot type = Presentation
  • Add the name of your performer/artist by clicking in Presenters and as you start typing the name it should be selectable in the dropdown.
  • Add the Start time and Duration if different than the Workshop start + end time. eg. if a performer is playing from 6:00-7:00pm, you would put 6:00PM as the start time and 60 minutes as the duration.
  • Click on the Add timeslot button.
  • If there are multiple performers with different start times, continue to add more timeslots per performer.


For the show to be visible, make sure the show page AND the Set times are included in the website feed and NOT private!


CUSTOM FIELD(S) : Custom fields need to be created by the client in Marcato under the relevant section (eg: Artists > Artist Custom Fields). Greencopper will also need to activate the associated feature in Gomanager.

2ND LANGUAGEIf the projects contains more than one language, an extra language field will need to be activated. Add a text field for each secondary language you have in the app so you have a different Title (optional)