(Deprecated) GET /events/widget_items_<lang>.json - List of events

Get the list of events, with orders by ID, alphabetical, headliner and days.
For each event, a limited set of information is returned (id, title, subtitle, image, shows and tags).

Endpoint URL


Request information

Request type


Request parameters


See common endpoint parameters
for more information


Response information

A dictionary of all events, and associated shows, all headliners order, all alphabetical letters, and all event shows days.

  • On the "events" key, a dict of event IDs. For each main event information can be found (ID, title, subtitle, image normal URL, tags IDs, main tag color, show dates, and shows).
    For each event's shows, the ID, event ID, venue title, date, formatted date, price and ticket link.
  • On the "shows" key, the list of event shows IDs. For each event show, the ID, venue title, date, formatted date, price and ticket link.
    Can be used to display event shows per day, based on the byDay information.
  • On the "alphabetical" key, a list of all the first letters of the events. For each letter, the associated events IDs. 
    Can be used to display separators between event names. 
  • On the "headliner" key, the list of event IDs ordered in the same way it is on gomanager with the "order" parameter. 
    Can be used to display events per headliners.
  • On the "byDay" key, the list of dates of shows associated to events. For each date, the associated shows IDs, and the date formatted.
    Can be used to display list of dates and filter events per date. 

Response format


Response sample

        "events": {
            "1": {
                "id": "1",
                "title": "Workshop on music discovery services",
                "subtitle": "The future of music is here...",
                "imageURL": "//goevent-images.s3.amazonaws.com/.../web/event_1_20140407042828_3fa29ff6.jpg",
                "gcInfo": "event$workshop-1/1",
                "color": "#337FC3",
                "tags": ",145,",
                "shows": [
                        "id": 112,
                        "venueTitle": "Plaza St Hubert",
						"eventId": "1",
                        "formattedDate": "Fri, August 23,  2:00 PM &gt;  8:40 PM",
                        "price": null,
                        "linkTicket": null,
                        "date": "2013-08-23",
                "dates": [
        "shows": {
            "112": {
                "id": 112,
                "eventId": 1,
                "venueTitle": "Plaza St Hubert",
                "formattedDate": "Fri, August 23,  2:00 PM &gt;  8:40 PM",
                "price": null,
                "linkTicket": null,
                "date": "2013-08-23"
        "alphabetical": [
			"S" : {
                "letter": "S",
                "events": [
            }, ...
            "W" : {
                "letter": "W",
                "events": [
        "headliner": [
        "byDay": {
            "2013-08-23": {
                "formattedDate": "Friday 23",
                "shows": [
            "2013-08-24": {
                "formattedDate": "Saturday 24",
                "shows": [