FAQ - Schedule export

1 - Why my item is not visible from the API call?

On gomanager, check the visibility checkbox 

  • For artists, events, venues: Check the visibility checkbox of that object
  • For show: Check the visibility checkbox of the show + the one for the associated venue and the associated event or artist

If the visibility checkbox is  not checked, check it, then publish data.

2 - How can I get several images URL for one object from a single method call?

By default, each method returns the image in the most appropriate format for your needs (large image for detail, normal for lineup, and thumbnail for timeline).
But if you prefer to get another image, or want to preload the big image, you can update the image URL adding/removing the format prefix, according to the Images URLs specification.

(Deprecated) 3 - What are tags IDs and main tag color?

All the main endpoint methods are returning the same tags format result.
The API send two tags informations per object:

  • list of tag IDs: The IDs of all the tags to which the object is linked, or empty if any.
  • color: The color of the main tag, that can be used to display a color in the render.

Main tag 

The main tag in a list of tags associated to one object, is the first tag in alphabetical order.

E.g: The artist have the tags "Music,Rock,Pop,Folk". In that case, the main tag will be "Folk" (first in alphabetical order).
If you want to put "Music" first, you must use the name "#Music" or "*Music" to ensure it will be placed first in alphabetical order.

Sample JSON 

Here is a sample of tags info output for a schedule object. 

    "tags": ",8,159,164,",
    "color": "#00a0a0",

The list of tags is in the format ",tag_id_1,tag_id_2,tag_id_3,tag_id_4," with comma in first and last element.
It's to be able to quickly perform a search of tagged artist based on a tag id (search where tags contains ",tag_id_,").