(Deprecated) GET /event/widget_<event_id>_<lang>.json - Detail of an event

Get all the information of an event.
The main information (title, subtitle, etc.), links, event shows, event tags, and artists from the event shows where artists are performing. 

Endpoint URL


Request information

Request type


Request parameters


See common endpoint parameters
for more information


Event unique identifier.
The event identifier must be an existing one from the "List of events" method.

Value: Integer value (e.g. "37")

Response information

A dictionary of all event information.

  • On the "main" key, the title, subtitle, image large URL, the photo credit, and description.
  • On the "generics" key, some generics fields that can be opened on gomanager tools if you need to put extra information. By default, all fields are empty.
  • On the "links" key, all the links associated to the event. For each link, the original link, the type of the link (website, facebook, twitter, youtube, vimeo, spotify, deezer, soundcloud), and the embedded URL to show them in iframe.
  • On the "schedule" key, all the shows of the event. For each show, the main information can be found (ID, venue title and subtitle, real start and end date and time, ticket link URL, price).
  • On the "artists" key, all the artists from the event shows where artists are performing. For each artist, the main information can be found (ID, title, subtitle, artist image thumbnail URL, artist tags and artist tag main color).
  • On the "eventTags" key, all the event tags associated to the event. For each tag information are given (id, title, and color).

Response format


Response sample

        "main": {
            "id": "1",
			"title": "Workshop on music discovery services",
            "subtitle": "The future of music is here...",
            "photocredit": "Photographe mysterieux",
            "description": "<p>Music streaming services are everywhere...</p>",
            "imageURL": "//goevent-images.s3.amazonaws.com/.../web/xl_event_1_20140407042828_3fa29ff6.jpg",
        "generics": {
            "generic1": null,
            "generic2": null,
            "generic3": null,
            "generic4": null,
            "generic5": null,
            "generic6": null
        "links": [
                "link": "http://www.workshop.com",
                "info": {
                    "type": "web"
                "title": "Official website"
        "schedule": [
                "showId": "112",
                "formattedShowDate": "Fri, August 23,  2:00 PM &gt;  8:40 PM",
                "showLinkTicket": "http://...",
                "showPrice": null,
                "showDateStart": "2013-08-23",
                "showTimeStart": "14:00:00",
                "showDateEnd": "2013-08-23",
                "showTimeEnd": "20:40:00",
                "venueTitle": "Red room"
        "artists": [
                "artistId": "20",
                "artistName": "Big Black Delta",
                "artistSubtitle": null,
                "imageUrl": "//goevent-images.s3.amazonaws.com/.../th_artist_20_20140304020435_5113e895.jpg",
                "gcInfo": "artist$big-black-delta/20",
                "tags": ",8,",
                "color": "#00a0a0"
        "eventTags": [
                "id": "145",
                "title": "Exterior",
                "color": "#337FC3"